Do you have an event coming up that you would like to add to our calendar? Please share the details with us after reading all the information below.
We’re always interested in helping to spread the word about fun, affordable things to do in Orlando and the surrounding area in Central Florida.
Have a question about something else or want to find out about advertising at Orlando on the Cheap? Please get in touch!
You can submit your own events to our community calendar, whether they are cheap or more expensive. This calendar includes events submitted to our site as well as events collected from other local sites. Click the green SUBMIT EVENT button.!/
Some guidelines:
- All events must be open to the public.
- Events can only be submitted once, but you can correct or update your own events
- Orlando on the Cheap reserves the right to delete any event it deems inappropriate or too promotional
- Submitted events will not appear immediately, but will first be edited by a real human being
If you’re like to share a series of free events or a deal for a more expensive attraction, or share any other information, contact us by email: